
翻译:Install packing into the groove and apply oil as soon as...
答:Install packing into the groove and apply oil as soon as possible after unpacked 打开包装之后请迅速用填充物填充凹槽,并尽快上油。If the Back-up-ring is left unpacked for a long time,it might be difficult to install into the groove because of dimensional change resulting from hu...

How many types can the packing be classified into?
答:【答案】:Packing can be classified into transport packing (outer packing), sales packing (inner packing).


{储利娜17723166022} seal和packing的区别 - ______ seal强调'封',比如一个大口袋,最后的封口封起来,这个动作用seal packing是普通意义上的打包,比如你要出门,收拾行李打包,就用这个packing

{储利娜17723166022} “打包”用英文都怎么说 - ______ 英文:pack; bale; unpack. “打包”:[dǎ bāo] 名词解释: (1) [pack]∶用纸、布、麻袋、稻草等包装物品 (2) [bale]∶把某物打成包或捆 (3) [unpack]∶打开包着的东西 双语例句: 他们给了我一份在货栈打包的工作.They offered me a ...

{储利娜17723166022} packing: each piece into polypack with airholes什么意思啊? ______ 这是在说包装,polypack 是聚包, airholes 是气孔 整句话是: 包装:每一片都装进有气孔的聚包 (packing: each piece into polypack with airholes)

{储利娜17723166022} Time orientation can be classified into (). - 上学吧找答案 ______[答案] My favorite food ------Jelly Usually ,maybe you eat many foods ,for example ,ham ,dumpling ,hamburger and so on .Which food ... When we walked into our house ,I took out them right now ,and peeled the packing ,and then put it into my mouth ,and I felt it ...

{储利娜17723166022} 帮忙看一下91和92题,给出讲解 ______ 此文我没有全看,就说91和92吧.91选B,理由:it做形式宾语,英语里面为了不让句子显得头重脚轻,有make it+adj的情况.92选A:up to sth指数量或水平达到.

{储利娜17723166022} sql 函数 返回一个表,字段不同 - ______ 表值函数 没法变换列名称的,你都这样用了 为什么不用存储过程

{储利娜17723166022} 用英文介绍折纸帽子的步骤 - ______[答案] Paper hats are a fun and useful craft for children of all ages.You can make paper hats to be used as a prop for plays or ... pressing the fold into a crisp seam. 6、Tape the folds into place if desired using clear packing tape. 7、Open up the bottom of the ...

“我相信灵魂永远存在。科学已证明了没有任何东西会完全毁灭。因此,生命与灵魂……是永存的。”(生物学家 Edwin Conklin)